Elevator Knowledge
Schindler Elevator become master Chi 300P elevator Symbol Description
"In the subway elevators and call the parties subject to electromagnetic radiation several times higher than usual!" This rumor quickly spread on the Internet, the real situation how? Two laboratory assistants and experts from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, "Dahl asked" natural knowledge society participation test.
Laboratory assistant were decided to use a 2G phone and a 3G mobile phone testing. First experimenter tested at two outdoor environment dial phone electromagnetic radiation. 2G mobile phone radiation in the elevator call within 5 seconds is four times the call when outdoors! Then the experimenter dialed in the elevator running 3G mobile phones, and this is reflected by 3G mobile phone testing more obvious difference is 126 times outdoors when the call!
From the test results, in the elevator call, radiation is indeed higher than the outdoor lot. This is exactly why? Beijing University of Posts and Field and Microwave Technology Summit Dr. explained: "The elevator is relatively closed scene, outdoor electromagnetic waves to penetrate such an environment is difficult to reach the phone, the phone communication in order to achieve a stable signal, in general, to improve its transmit power. "Therefore, when we take the elevator, try not to make and receive calls.